If feels good to be nationally recognized. haha
I first signed up to independant because really, I had no idea what anything meant. Until recently, I changed it to be Republican. Now I realize that I am not entirely one on one with the Republican's view. Oh well, now I can vote in Primaries :)
I got excited as I started reading the descriptions of all the measures. I wish there were more to vote for! My sister doesn't care, I'm voting for her, don't tell the government.

I am Pro-Life. I am also Pro-Gay Marriage. Anti-War. Pro-Guns. Health Care should be free, (go Canada!) Something should be done about the environment but I don't think that mankind is at fault for it's downward spiral. I believe that as much as the US declares it's freedom, it is not a free country. I think immigration is only as big of a problem as we make it to be as we try harder to keep them out. Standardized tests are a waste of time. Funding should go to all schools. The government spends money frivolously. It was not George W. Bush alone that created the problems we face today; look at the previous presidents.

Here's Lookin' at you America.
I first signed up to independant because really, I had no idea what anything meant. Until recently, I changed it to be Republican. Now I realize that I am not entirely one on one with the Republican's view. Oh well, now I can vote in Primaries :)
I got excited as I started reading the descriptions of all the measures. I wish there were more to vote for! My sister doesn't care, I'm voting for her, don't tell the government.

I am Pro-Life. I am also Pro-Gay Marriage. Anti-War. Pro-Guns. Health Care should be free, (go Canada!) Something should be done about the environment but I don't think that mankind is at fault for it's downward spiral. I believe that as much as the US declares it's freedom, it is not a free country. I think immigration is only as big of a problem as we make it to be as we try harder to keep them out. Standardized tests are a waste of time. Funding should go to all schools. The government spends money frivolously. It was not George W. Bush alone that created the problems we face today; look at the previous presidents.

Here's Lookin' at you America.