Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Doggie Boots

I don't EVER use my camera. I don't even think I know where it is right now. Therefore I have no pictures for you.

Nathan has officially started a business, registered and everything. Where we go from here, I'm not really sure. We got super pumped for about a week and that has now sizzled. After we found out that Quickbooks would cost us HOW MUCH?! and the apple people said it sucked we got burnt out and haven't really talked since. About the biz.

I have been working. Huh, what's new?! I got pretty sick for a little bit and my throat and neck hurt like a mother loader and my voice was becoming groggy and gross. So I went to the Urgent Care and the Dr. came in and said, "so your tonsils are bothering you... OMG LOOK AT YOUR NECK!" I got all confused because all I wanted was for her to tell me that I needed my tonsils out and then she freaked out about my neck which doesn't look ANY different to me. Apparently my right side is freakishly enlarged (where my thyroid is). So I asked what I should do and she told me to go find a family dr. that they wouldn't take any tests  there. UM... I thought this was a medical center.... at least she diagnosed me with tonsilitis.

So I called Paula and she told me of a family dr. she heard of and I went to them. And the lady freaked out there about my neck too. I made Nathan go with me for this one and she asked him, "Does she always look like this?" um thanks people I know I'm not vain but I really don't see what they're talking about. I have an ultrasound today so we will see where it takes us.

I bought Paisley an ID tag about a week and a half ago, best $12.00 I ever spent. I got a call yesterday morning, "Do you have a black dog and a little brown dog?" why, yes in fact I do...
"Well, I have them on Scholls Ferry a little past that big mansion place. I can drive them over to you." WHAT?! I jumped up and made Nathan get up and we started driving to meet her in the driveway but Tucker was already there and brought them up for us. Paisley and Kelso were a little grounded for about 5 minutes. That is so far for those dogs! I couldn't believe it. But I am so glad I finally bought her a tag and am never hesitating on that again.

So I leave you with this youtube video. You can watch the suggested ones they are HILARIOUS. We watched a bunch last night but this ones pretty good.