Saturday, June 27, 2009

One of the Best

Hello Birthday! (3 weeks ago)
Birthdays are not my favorite because all of mine usually suck. :)
Like...last year.
This year, the day before I felt so sick all I wanted to do was lay in bed.
But a girl's gotta work right...?

After work, I kicked off the birthday weekend (my birthday was Saturday the 6th) with dinner to PF Changs with a bunch of fun people.
Then saw Land of the Lost, with Will Ferrell, who is too incredibly funny/stupid.
Good Movie, a little odd at some times, I give it a B. minus.
Ate some gelato, and went home and slept because I still didn't feel good :(

Woke up bright and shiny early Saturday (because I can't sleep past 9 nowadays), bathed myself a good birthday bathing, and watched tv with Chloe.

My mom was going to mall for an appt. at Nordstrom so me and Kara went and I bought myself some birthday jeans :) and of course I got Nathan a present too! (to make the jean purchase not seem as bad since he got a present too. lol)

Crashed at home for a while, ate tacos for dinner, Nathan came and ate, I opened gifts.
Jon&Kate+8 seas. 3, WEEDS seas. 4, costco membership, and the nike+ ipod kit, a SNUGGIE, and a pretty scarf (as seen above).
a BEAUTIFUL necklace from Nathan.

Sunday the saga continues, went to church, took a nap, went out to eat with my family and the Oyster Bar.
Which is not an actual bar, it's just called that.... I think some people were worried if Nathan was going to get in... haha
They changed the menu since the last time I was there, about 3 years ago, so it wasn't as enjoyable because they didn't have clam strips.... but their clam chowder was really yummy!

Best birthday I would say so far.
Came and ended too quickly though :(

Monday, June 22, 2009

Inspiration For the Day

"It's not about anger - it's about peace.
It's not about power - it's about grace.
It's not about knowing your enemy - it's about knowing yourself."

A monk. Who has no name.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Not Just A Boy...

He's a Danner Boot Man!

Nathan and his very favorite, most prized boots.
Well, a huge blow up one. Close enough, he does have huge feet.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


It's BACK!!

June 17th.
You must watch. 

Monday, June 1, 2009

Pinch me, this can't be for real!

Who else is excited....
Anyone? Anyone!
I think I'm excited enough for the world. 
I will be waiting 12:00 am Wednesday the 9th of September...

I'm really not that crazy about rock band, but I always said I would be if they made a Beatles one.
And, they got me.