Sunday, May 10, 2009

brrrraaaap a dap.

Nathan wanted a 450, so he put his 250 up on craigslist, and sold within 24 hours!
He shopped around for about 5 minutes, showed me, and retreived it last week. (I know what your thinking, 'that was quick').
Here it is, in all it's glory:
And it's SUPER loud, and crazy fast. (I have video, but I don't know if it will work).

And his other current new toy, a good find at Costco.....
The seat hurts your bum A LOT. So he's looking for a new one.
And nope, he hasn't hurt himself yet.

On the other hand, the little 80 has been sitting so sad for the past couple months because I never had the time to take it or it was broken.
The last time was a month ago and we went out in the forest, it got stuck 3 times, I fell on my butt twice trying to pull it out, and I got covered in mud. Fun, but it needed fixed.
Nathan got plastics, new handle grips, and a seat cover so it's all pretty and hopefully will be sold just as quick as Nathan's!

Then I can get this bad boy:

Best News I've Heard All Day

It's Official
I'M IN!!!!!

Now I have to figure out where all this money is coming from.
But the good news along with it: I get on my mom's insurance so I can get my wisdom teeth out!
(OUCH they hurt real bad)!

Sorry Chelle, I think I will still have the hook up at DQ, and I don't know toothbrushes ARE kind of expensive these days...along with those other cool instruments they use like the super sharp gum bleeder stick.