Thursday, September 30, 2010


Pre-Note: This is what happens when you don't have internet and/or computer cords, you get posts from Summer in least it's actually feeling like Summer in October :)

We bought rafts at Bi-Mart in Bend so we could float the Sunriver river while there and we didn't know they would come with such cool hats!!!
(they're really the cushions for the back person to sit on)
It was a long, cold float and we were starving by the end!
That trip was just Nathan, me, Billy, and Colby

And Paisley too :)

Then on a super hot day we wanted to float the Clackamas River, which was quite a trip to get too but really fun once we got on the water!
This time it was Nathan, me, Chris H, Matt, Kevin R, Nate, and Aaron-we had a big crowd and there were TONS of people out that day.