Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Finally got my pics on here. So here is an update:
The latest of Chloe--Nate had CiCi so he brought her over to mi casa, and we played.

Then, about 2 weeks ago, I was driving on the road, going through a green light, when this CRAZY (yes, I swear she was freakin psycho) ran her light, trying to run in front of me, and hit me. She jumped out of her car and started pointing and screaming at me like it was my fault! I sat in my car, I don't even remember, i was in shock. The lady behind Bippidy (something like that) was my witness and thank goodness for her, she was so nice. The policeman too, I made him stay with me until Nathan got there because that lady kept saying it was my fault after she got a ticket for not yielding and not having her insurance card. That's a pricey one. So all in all, I got a almost super sick rental car (a mazda 3, would have been ultimate if it was the 2.3 and wasn't manual everything)

My Brother also graduated from CLU (where I went my freshman year) and it was weird to be back. At least one person was nice to me. haha whatever I really don't care. I am glad I never have to go back there :) But he lives down there now, trying to get a job with Medical doings. Finding a dental school to go to and lots of fun stuff. 

1 comment:

Hailey Vial said...

Pretty family! I always wondered what your sibs looked like.
Again, bummer on the car.