Thursday, July 10, 2008

As I Watch The O.C.

Oh, the 4th of July. Crazy, well not so much this year, I think WEIRD would an understatement to describe it. HAHA uhhhh yeah... I don't have the AMAZING pictures of the fireworks that Chuong took, but me and Nathan spent this 4th together. Last year it was boys only down in the field (even the manlier ladies, i.e. me, weren't allowed), the year before I don't remember but I stayed on the hill. I was the official firework hander, very exciting. And we got this one picture! By Nathan's very sweet truck might I add.... HAHAHA not.
This is Nathan, reaching for a cake/keg. And I think that's Colby's butt.What a Sexy Tractor! And Nathan's driving it. :)I guess we got two pictures on the 4th. Chuong took this one. We are very stylish in our black clothes. I love what the wind is doing to my hair! Very Mariah Carey, circa mid-1990's.We are two tan good looking people. Love it. 
We're off to Grant's Pass tomorrow. Exciting. I think Nathan may state the "No Questions While Traveling" rule. 
Otherwise, I saw an elderly man on a stretcher on my way to work today, I cried. Yeah, how lame, but the old men just get to me. I taught my dog how to sit, lay down, and roll over all in a row. And I ate Chipotle salad for dinner. WHAT AN AWESOME DAY!

1 comment:

Chelle said...

I seriously love the picture of Nate on the tractor, makes me feel like I'm right back on the farm. Cute picture of the two of you in the last one there.