Sunday, August 17, 2008

Brother's Wedding

My Half-Brother got married in Albany, August 9th, so here are about a million and one pictures :)

Here is my Dad, my half-brother and sister (Shelley and Michael--in the middle) and their Mom--Sue

My dad, Emily's (the bride) dad, and Lee (Sue's husband)

The Whole Wedding Party. Shelley was the MOH, Emily, Michael, and his Best friend Rawley

The "Waverly" Men
From L-R: Matt (my cousin), Uncle Mike, Michael, Dad, and Brett

They Call Us...Party Animals
Basically the first on the dance floor and the last to leave. Hide your children when the Waverly's come to town. My other cousins, Robyn and Kristin weren't there, they live the furthest away, so it would have been hard for both of them to get here. 
Michael and Emily had a money dance, where you have to pay to dance with them, so me and the sisters all slapped some ones in Michael's pockets and danced like it's probably illegal to do so. Fun Times. 

Last few, This is us at the Reception Dinner where my dad made the best speech I personally have ever heard. Threw in a bit about being glad that were not in China because of the smog they have... Blame it on the Boo's

My dad told Mckenzie, Matt's oldest daughter, to jump in the hotel with her dress on, so she did and my dad gave her money. OH how I love family gatherings. My dad likes to hand out the dough when he's put a few down. Glad I got some of the handouts. Feed me lunches for two weeks.

1 comment:

paula said...

Good times. Families are fun when it comes to a wedding. No matter who's family.Thanks for posting these pic's PMV