Saturday, August 30, 2008

We Like To Move It, Move It,

Last weekend was the Portland to Coast! And throughout all the fun we all had WALKING for two days, these are some pictures. (all sarcasm aside, it really wasn't THAT bad, you know after realizing, "why the hell did I sign up for this" in the middle of your first leg, wanting to break down and quit every step you took, not letting yourself stop and rest for 'just a minute', staying strong and making yourself finish even if you die shortly after). But we got those awesome bright blue shirts that fit just like a glove.

Our beautifully decorated car. People had things on top, hanging off the windows and decorations all over. It was pretty nuts. 

Alicia groovin' to the movin'

Nathan's got those quick feet.

Here's Alicia coming in so that I can take off. 
Three people all together dropped out and we got two people to fill in, but our legs got mixed around. I forgot to look at what leg I was doing before I went, and lo and behold...I got the hardest one! It went up, and up, and up. I basically felt like I was climbing a mountain. Oh and when I got the top of the first hill, this lady was there and says, "You're at the top! Have fun, almost there." Ummm I'm not sure if she knew where she was, but I was definately not almost there. I think she meant, "You've barely got started, your gonna hate life in about five minutes :)." Yeah, so then there were turns, and more hills, and less downhills. And gravel. Whoever made this course, should really reconsider this part. I almost fell about 10 times from slipping on the rocks, and almost threw up 5 times. At the end I was soooo glad to be finished. That I could rest, but then it was Nathan's turn and I felt bad for all the people that went and still had to go. haha. 

This is on the gravel part. See those turns, they were every 10 feet in the hot, hot sun.

I threw my water at the car as they passed. Then I realized I had no more water. Bad Idea.
Oh, my second leg was a DREAM! I started at 4 am when it was still dark out and finished at 5 am. I walked through the sunrise, in Astoria and it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I think I was more focused on the surroundings than walking when my hips and shins hurt so bad. And that leg was pretty much all one elevation and on pavement! 

And we made it HOME! yay! I think everyone slept good that night. Or not, since we were all sore and walking like grannies for the next couple days. But we survived and we can't wait for next year!!


Alicia Vial Beesley said...

You are Hilarious!! Thanks for writing all this and posting these. Could you e-mail me the one with all of us sitting on the back of the car?

paula said...

Oh boy does that bring back memories.I had the first leg. the sun coming up and then the leg when the sun went down both very inspiring!
You had the worst leg. gravel dust Yuckie Yuckie Yuckie as Maddies would say!!Then have to wash her hands to the whole thing. Good for you for finishing!! It is quit the walk and in between your walks or on the walks you do ask yourself "WHY AM I DOING THIIS"!!! It is for a good cause. It goes to so many charities. Look it up and you will see. Hurray It is Years over. Looking forward to joining again next year. PMV

Chelle said...

I love the post and that leg you had TOTALLY SUCKS! I remember being so sore and sleeping for about 2 days strait.

Hailey Vial said...

Nice post, Nic and I are cracking up reading this. Remember when we figured out that we had skipped one leg, yeah, that was my "We can just drive home and nobody will care" moment. Thanks for making me finish. You were an awesome team/van mate. Except when you where walking the killer leg. I was actually quite scared of you. Nice to see you have an evil side to you.
p.s. you are the ultimate poser.